Saturday, March 05, 2011

Of Three Years (Almost)

Last week, I had my course night dinner. And it is finally dawning on me, I'm leaving this place is another 2 months. YAY! (with a bit of bitterness). Not that it has been a torture here. In fact, it had been filled with good memories. I will miss this place. But most of all, I will miss the people I have been hanging around with for the past 3 years. You see, since I am sort of a recluse here, I have a very (very very) small social circle.

When I leave, I'll be a grown up (which I totally dread). I'm aimless with no clear direction of where I should head to.

Reality is cruel.

But at the mean time let's enjoy life (in hell) from now till the end of my studying days here in UMS. I took life for granted for half the semester drunken in sweetness of doing nothing, achieving nothing. Now, the deadlines are haunting me like zombies.

So here's to 6 weeks of torment. Cheers! (Life is only miserable if you allow it to manifest)

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