Saturday, July 31, 2010

Cooking Mama

Ever since I moved out of hostel, I've been alternating with my roommates to make dinner. It's my first time cooking no matter at home or anywhere else. I don't actually suck as bad as I thought.

So what have I cooked so far? Mostly korean food because of the materials that were bought. As a student, we don't have too much budget to get a lot of cooking stuff. I've successfully made dukbokki, kinchi fried rice, kimchi pancake and bibimbap. Others are the normal rice, vege and meat but mostly it is due to the help of my room mate who has more experience in the kitchen than I do.

All the food that I made are up in facebook and I'm lazy to upload them here again.

It's a Saturday and I wasted the day away by sleeping in, going for a walk around the neighbourhood and doing assignments...(lame way to spend the weekend, I know) but there's really not much to do anymore other than these.

Planning to sleep Sunday away as well

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