Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Of Tweetering and Blackberrying

I finally got a blackberry for myself...after nearly 6 months of non-stop recommendation from people around me about the greatness/efficiency of this handheld device. Although it is just a normal one, after using it for just 3 days, I acknowledge its efficiency-ness and I will get a better one soon (when I have the dough for it..which is not anytime soon).

Since I have nothing much to do at home ( or just plain procrastinating) I recently opened a tweeter account....and I've been following a lot of celebrities...and heck do they twitter like mad...

Today I did something I haven't done in years...I went to play badminton..yes...the irony was I still could play..maybe there's just some things that you never forget once you learned them...I was flat out on my bed the whole afternoon after the game.

Tomorrow I'm doing a movie marathon of Shrek Forever After 3D and Robinhood. Looking forward to both movies!

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