Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Yet another lonely V's Day

Come tomorrow, it will be Valentine's Day which everyone has much awaited. It is during this time of the year that I have ever felt lonelier. What with seeing others receiving flowers, presents and etc that makes me turn into the green eyed monster. On the other hand, if I were to have another half, I think I would feel complicated. I've heard lots of things that makes me feel that love is VERY complicated. I think I'll give it a pass right now and enjoy being SINGLE! It's just another ordinary day for me.

Went for a movie last Friday after a very very long time. The Holiday is a nice movie; good script , nice scenery , romantic and beautiful language. I will recommend this movie for those that are looking for a nice and warm fuzzy movie. Can you believe that the most touching scene in the movie was when a 90 year old man walked into an auditorium filled to the brim and had a standing ovation from all that attended the ceremony. You must be wondering why is there an old man in a romantic flick. Go check it out yourselves. I like Jude Law in the movie. He's such a romantic. Reminder : This is a 2 and a half hour movie.


Lonely Linus said...

You should try The Notebook. I heard it's a tear jerker. :P

meiphing said...

hui ting !

long time no hear from you !

Eve said...

it doesnt feel like 2.5 hrs show at all..