On Saturday, I sat for my MUET exam. I found out that I'm a compulsive hoarder while doing the listening paper. Hoarders are people who keep lots of things like papers, magazines, etc because they can't decide if they still want that item or not. They are also sometimes very untidy and their belongings are all over the place. They also don't like to be judged about their piles of rubbish. While doing the exam, I was laughing especially when one of the questions sounded like this.."Do you know of anyone that is a compulsive hoarder?".
So while doing the exam, I was diagnosed as a compulsive hoarder. Strange but true. I have always had a thing for keeping things like newspaper cuttings, magazines and sometimes even spoiled stuff as I don't have the heart to throw them away. My room is always a mess. Books, papers, stationery, bags are strewn all over the table. My dad keeps bugging me to clear up the mess but it always end up all messed up again in a week's time after I clean up. the more I think about it. The more obvious it dawns on myself that I truly am a hoarder since my childhood days.