Thursday, August 14, 2008


I sat in the library for 6 hours today. I don't know what I did. I just know that I searched up info for my debate motions ie Free Trade, Veto-Power, Sex Education and Proton(yes, our Malaysian car). But I just saved up all the info. Didn't even read them. Surfed a bit more. Read news. Did a bit of my environmental health report. Oh, i remembered I went for a tour around the library. It is compulsory that all 1st years join this tour. They bring you around the library and teaches you how to use the library. Then I had my ethics group assignment meeting where all my group members, including myself racked our brains to come up with a paper with the title 'Is morality absolute or relative. State your stand'. Although it sounds easy, but trust me it's not. Luckily we had a bit of help from Cav's dad. It made things whole lot easier.

Then I Looked at Olympics Official Website and I went to read my brother's blog. I seldom read his blog. But today I did. I was surprised that he wrote such a good blog about his trip to Sabah. If you guys are interested to know more about Sabah. just go read his blog, it's very detailed. Unlike his sister's blog that is so *ahem* boring. He told me he got National Service as well when I chatted with him last night.

I am now counting down to my one week's holiday. Tomorrow is Friday!! WOOHOOO...

Going back to hostel now. Have to fight to get on the bus again..haaiiihhhhssss...and feeling hungry too. Had a very early brunch at 10am today. Now it is already 6.30pm.

I'm dreading to do my laundry and continuing my lab reports and assignments...

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